Eliya Mwampamba
Eliya is the Chairman of Tanzania Entrepreneurship Foundation and currently spearheads the works of Inspiring Better Business Talks as Country coordinator of Tanzania. He was born in the southern part of Tanzania in the Mbeya region and is passionate about helping people find their purpose in life through business.
After completing his undergraduate studies at Stefano Moshi memorial university Branch of Makumira -Tanzania in 2015 He worked with a variety of international non-profit organizations to help communities overcome poverty in Tanzania mainland have helped schools to become financially self sufficient by starting school based enterprises and helped form community based microfinance groups.
Octavian Msongamwanja
Octavian was born in Morogoro, Tanzania and is passionate about helping people find their purpose in life through business. He has been exposed to cross-cultural leadership, international business, and mentorship programs in both Africa and America. Octavian is committed to equipping others to business ownership to help families improve their living standards through economic development activities and to advance the Kingdom of God.
1. Promoting, equipping and supporting income generating activities for women & youth.
2. Advocating for the individual rights of entrepreneurs to live without stigma
3. Promoting and encouraging environmental conservation, through environmental education and participating in different environmental projects and agriculture.